Our Retail Location

Here at The 3d MakerPlace we get a lot of questions from people in the Dayton area about our retail location.  Yes, it's not traditional.  Yes, we have no signs.  Yes, our retail location is set up inside another business (Liquid Nics located at 7070 Miller Lane, Suite 102, Dayton, Ohio).  We understand that this can be very confusing for people trying to find us and we apologize for this.  

When we started The 3d MakerPlace we planned to be exclusively online with no retail location.  But, after talking with some local people we realized that there is a need for local availability of 3d printers, filament, and parts.  We had all of these things already so we had to figure out how to make them available to our customers.  As a small business we have nowhere near the sales to justify renting a retail location and paying employees to staff it.

That's where Liquid Nics came in to the picture.  The 3d MakerPlace is ran by Kevin and Travis.  Kevin is a part owner of Liquid Nics and Travis is the General Manager of Liquid Nics.  By utilizing a small section of Liquid Nics we are able to offer a place for customers to see our products, pick products up, and "shop" without having the burden of a long term commercial lease and the overhead of employees to work at the store.  This, ultimately, allows us to sell our products at a competitive price.  As a bonus Travis is at the store roughly 40 hours a week and the other staff at Liquid Nics, Justin and Caleb, know enough about the 3d printer products to assist with customer pick ups, but not enough to answer technical questions or work on printers (and they are NOT employees of The 3d MakerPlace).  If you have technical needs it's best to set up an appointment to meet with Kevin or Travis by contacting us through our Facebook messenger (preferred) or our Email.

Kevin and Travis hope to grow the business to the point we can get a dedicated space with our own signage and we appreciate all of our customer support!

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